Seek treatment now while your health insurance deductible is met, here’s why!
1. Most insurance deductibles are usually met by now:
Many patients do not plan ahead in regard to their health insurance deductibles. Most of us have met our deductibles or our max out of pocket expense, making it a very good time of the year to have things taken care of. So, whether it’s a nagging injury or another medical problem, act now before the end of the year to save yourself some money.
2. The sooner you seek treatment, the quicker you get better:
Most physical ailments, although small initially, can quickly lead to more serious problems. The human body is an amazing machine as everything works together. Although, a small problem in one area can lead to compensations in other areas of the body later on thus causing other issues. At Fast Track, we often find the sooner treatment is started, the quicker the issue resolves. For instance, if you are having a problem with your knee that causes you to walk with a limp, increased stress is placed on your hip and lower back, resulting in increased pain in those areas. If you wait too long, this problem can become worse, and it could take longer to heal.
3. You do not need to see a doctor to get treatment:
Indiana is a direct access state for physical therapy services. This means that you can seek treatment for your current ailment without seeing your doctor first. Our physical therapists are experts in treating musculoskeletal conditions and can refer you on to the appropriate doctor if needed. They will also communicate all findings and treatments to your doctor as well.
Avoid the end of the year holiday season rush!
The upcoming holiday season is often a busy time for everyone between school, work, sports, family gatherings, and shopping. This can make scheduling appointments more difficult for patients. We also experience a large rush of patients who have met their health insurance deductibles the last few months of the year, so it is important to get in while you can!
The holiday season can make life a little bit busier, so make sure to take care of yourself so you can feel as good as you should!